
Something that I have wanted to do for a long time is to help people feel better about them-self  but then I realized that to make people feel better you must submit a way for them to change, and since it is mostly small habits that we don’t recognize that determines our style of life, health and beauty, I decided to do some online researches, surfing blogs and websites with good materials, asking experts etc… And to magnify the habits that might change lives for better, and point a finger on habits that should be changed in order to get a better and healthy style of living… And this is when I decided to choose “BeautyManners” as a name for the website.

Beautymanners.com also claims interest in fashion, so I dedicate a part of my time to cover pieces of Fashion-news as an inspiring field related to beauty and style, the topics of the website.

My name is Lily, inspired by the change my husband made in his life to obtain a better healthy body by simply exchanging some of his small habits by better ones with easy and simple steps, I decided to gather daily information from different sources and make it easier for readers to access.

And because “beauty that matters is about manners”, I will do my job with one determination, to make my efforts meet the change in you…

Truly Yours


You can always find us @ info@beautymanners.com

2 thoughts on “About

  1. Lily – I love your site! I especially liked your recent post on exercises to do if you have a desk job. I printed it out to remind myself to stretch and loosen up throughout the day. Thanks! 🙂

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